
Lab::measurement has been developed by Andrea Hüttel and others to facilitate the measurement process in a physics lab. It allows for easy setup and simultaneous control of multiple devices connected to different interfaces (e.g., GPIB, NI-VISA, COM). Results can be plotted on-the-go using gnuplot. Here is a small example script measuring an I-V curve:

use Lab::Moose; # you get 'use warnings; use strict;' for free

my $source = instrument(
    type            => 'YokogawaGS200',
    connection_type => 'USB',
    # Safety limits:
    max_units => 10, min_units => -10,
    max_units_per_step => 0.1, max_units_per_second => 1

my $dmm = instrument(type => 'Agilent34410A', connection_type => 'USB');

my $sweep = sweep(
    type       => 'Step::Voltage',
    instrument => $source,
    from => -5, to => 5, step => 0.01

my $datafile = sweep_datafile(columns => [qw/voltage current/]);

my $meas = sub {
    my $sweep = shift;
        voltage => $source->cached_level(),
        current => $dmm->get_value(),

    measurement => $meas,
    datafile    => $datafile,

I joined the team during my PhD thesis in Regensburg around 2012. My main contributions were device specific drivers and a generalization of the sweep functionality, if I remember correctly – I have a hard time recovering my contributions in the Github repository, maybe there was some hickup. A more detailed description of the software can be found in Huettel et al..