Hello, I’m Alois Dirnaichner or just call me Al for short. I do Web Development and Data Science. I grew up with Physics, worked on carbon nanotubes and in energy-systems research. Along the way I also did a lot of modelling and I contributed to the integration of life-cycle analysis with climate mitigation scenarios. I was lead developer of the climbing community platform cruxle.org and the multiplayer game piraterace.com(coming soon). And I enjoy playing the guitar.

Python R JavaScript TypeScript Fortran
Django Angular scipy data.table Docker
Latest projects
  • 2022
  • Heureka
    Web interface for the energy system model Calliope
    Python, JavaScript Django, Celery, jQuery, Docker, Ansible, Terraform
  • Piraterace
    Web-based multiplayer game reminiscent to the board game Roborally.
    Python, TypeScript Django, Angular, Docker
  • 2019
    Interfacing the ecoinvent lca inventory database and IAM scenarios.
    Python Brightway2, Wurst, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy
  • EDGE-Transport
    Transportation demand model for 21 global world regions
    R data.table, dplyr, ggplot2, GAMS, logistic regression
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